Reception of Sufism in Arabic Literature
Reception of Sufism, Sufism, Arabic LiteratureAbstract
The title which I have chosen for this paper “Reception of Sufism in Arabic Literature” demands for a few words of explanation at the very outset. Sufism or Taṣawwuf is the inner mystical dimension of Islam. Mysticism implies to something mysterious that cannot be understood by ordinary means. Interestingly, both the words of “mystic” and “mystery” have been derived from the common Greek root of “myein” which means “to close the eyes”. In a simple term mysticism could be defined as “Consciousness of the One Reality”. The word Sufi is derived from the root word “safa” which in Arabic means "purity". Another origin is “suf” refers to woollen garments which were the distinguishing marks of the first generation of Muslim Sufis.
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Sayeeda, Sayeedain Hamid: Ahmiyat Al Tasawuf Fil Aalam Al Muasir (Arabic), Published by ICCR New Delhi 110002, First edition
Schimmel, Annemarie: Mystical Dimensions of Islam, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, USA, Second printing 1976.
Published On: 13-02-2022
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