Feminine Self-Confliction in Asdawun min Alalam Divan (Echoes of Pain) for the Algerian Poet Fatima Alzahraa bin ʿaddu

صراعُ الذَّاتِ الأنثويةِ في ديوان "أصداء من الألم " للشاعرة المغربية فاطمة الزَّهراء بن عدو


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  • Dr. Elmoukashfi Ibrahim Abd alla Mohammed Assistant professor, Department of Arabic, Faculty of Education, Khartoum university, Sudan


Self- Confliction, echoes of pain, Fatima Alzahraa bin ʿaddu


This study aimed at defining the term of selfness and its association with poetry, then discussing feminine self-confliction in the poetic collection of Asdawun min Alalam as to unveil what the poet had encountered of pains and sufferings as well as her attitudes toward her Arab society during the second half of the twentieth century. Moreover, it aimed at understanding dimensions and nature of conflict between man and women in the East generally.
       The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method in this study. The study came to a number of findings, the most important of which are: first, man in Asdawun min Alalam Divan is used as an indication to injustice and selfishness; he deprived woman from her freedom, value and dignity. Then, the reality of the Eastern community confuses between love, friendship, and marriage as well as between attraction and admiration. In addition, the Eastern manly brain is controlled by masculinity and virility, and those brains are - more or less - sex slaves as well as an animal of the modern civilization. Finally, there is an urgent necessity for a revolution that would take down this falling and shaky structure of the dominant masculine heritage.


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Published On: 13-02-2022

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How to Cite

Abd alla Mohammed, D. E. I. . (2022). Feminine Self-Confliction in Asdawun min Alalam Divan (Echoes of Pain) for the Algerian Poet Fatima Alzahraa bin ʿaddu: صراعُ الذَّاتِ الأنثويةِ في ديوان "أصداء من الألم " للشاعرة المغربية فاطمة الزَّهراء بن عدو. Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 1(01), 28–38. https://doi.org/10.55559/sjaes.v1i01.5