Human Rights of Vulnerable Minority Groups in India: An Overview


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  • Habibullah Haidari Lecturer of History Deportment, Education Faculty, Nangarhar University, Afghanistan


Human Rights, Minorities, Constitution, Commission


Human rights are the conditions of life that allow us to fully develop and use our human qualities of intelligence and conscience, and to satisfy our spiritual needs. We cannot develop our personality in the absence of rights. Certain groups in society often encounter discriminatory treatment and need special attention to avoid potential exploitation. This population constitutes what is referred to as vulnerable groups. The vulnerable groups are discriminated against on the grounds of being economically weaker sections of society. In the case of women and children, it is much greater since society treats them as biologically weak. The tendency to take undue advantage of the weaker sections of society results in exploitation, which in turn leads to anti-social behavior. India is a multilingual and multi-religious country. Indian society is pluralistic in character from religious and other points of view. For a long time, people belonging to various religious communities have been living together in this country. However, there are some problems which minorities normally face where we can say that the rights of minorities are being violated. These problems include the preservation of their distinct social and cultural life, where several customs and cultures are under scrutiny at times and lead to controversies of all types, giving opportunities to aggravate the problems of minorities; the need for security and protection, which is very often felt by minorities, especially in times of communal violence, caste conflicts, and observance of festivals and religious functions on a mass scale; and communal tensions and riots, which threaten minority interests whenever they take place for whatever reason, leading to widespread fears and anxieties.


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Published On: 02-05-2023

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How to Cite

Haidari, H. (2023). Human Rights of Vulnerable Minority Groups in India: An Overview. Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 2(01), 48–54.