Development of the feminism movement in Yemen


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  • Umer Riyaz Research Scholar in the Department of Arabic, Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir, India


Feminism, Yemen, Women, West, Violence


Feminism is a set of intellectual and philosophical perceptions that seek to understand the roots and causes of discrimination between men and women, with the aim of improving the conditions of women and increasing their opportunities in all fields. The settlement is not only theoretical ideas and intellectual perceptions based in a vacuum, but rather it is based on facts and statistics about the conditions of women in the world. It monitors discrimination against them, whether in terms of the distribution of positions or opportunities and sometimes even the basic needs of life such as food, education and housing. women in Yemen are forgotten, they have no domestic, national or regional power to influence policy to empower their political, economic and social role. The peace talks and negotiations have not been successful. They lack broad public support because they are organized by the male dominated political scene which represent elite interests and shut out women, who represent national and communal interests.

This research paper provides the literal and terminological meaning of feminism and sheds the light on the term feminism as defined by writers from Arab and Western countries. This paper also provides stepwise detailed analysis of the development of feminism in Yemen and the books written on feminism and some pioneers of this movement. It also aims to shed light on feminism in Yemen and the important milestones it has achieved. It has also shown the different stages for the women’s movement. This paper also shows the challenges facing women working in the fields and it presents the numerous barriers standing in their way. In addition, it highlights some of the main achievements of Yemeni women during their long struggle for women’s rights.


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Published On: 18-09-2023

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How to Cite

Riyaz, U. (2023). Development of the feminism movement in Yemen. Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 2(03), 01–15.