Role of Allama Iqbal in Awakening the Eastern Nations
Role, awakening, eastern nations, west, western, Allama Iqbal, Eastern poetryAbstract
In this paper it has been tried to discover the neat and awakening thought of Iqbal (Peace be upon him) that is in fact conception of freedom, motive and rousing, and shows the perception of feeling accountability for eastern nations by this famous Muslim, eastern thinker, Urdu speaking poet which is reflected in templates of Persian language fine poems. This efficient awakening and proficient motive were struggling day and night to awaken the nations of eastern countries especially Muslim nations from neglect dream and rethink to their past glory and enormity. The aim of this paper is to study the awakening and informative role of Allama Iqbal among eastern nations that were captured in deceptive net of the west and westerners and hoped from their native course that was waking and contributing for freedom evolution. The main goal of Iqbal in his life was to weaken those who were the elements for anarchy in religious, political and social conditions of Islamic world in order to inform Muslin nations from risks of their destructive and fatal thoughts. Iqbal had querulously position against colonialist thoughts of the west, as he was always informing nations of Islamic world from detriments of western civilizations, its materialist philosophy and westernization, as he criticized their philosophy and blamed it. He has proved the harms of their futile, bogus and desolator thought by religious reasons and disclosed the deceptive visage of the west, so that the new generation of eastern countries shouldn’t sink into their charming black holes.
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Published On: 16-12-2023
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