The Rhetoric of Alliteration in the Arabic Language


  • Dr. Idris Abubakar Argungu Department of Arabic Language, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria


Rhetoric, Alliteration, Similar, Complete, Similarity, Arabic and verbal language


The aim of this article, entitled rhetoric of Alliteration in the Arabic Language, is to highlight the value of this art, particularly from the innovative improvements. The article has rooted alliteration as a type of verbal improvement arts from the science of Badi’, so I knew it and mentioned its verbal types; complete and incomplete vagus, Pronouns, and pointing. Then I separated the sayings in the branches of all the aforementioned sections with examples of reliable evidence where the importance of alliteration in decorating Arabic speech is understood.


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١. محمد بن صالح، شرح البلاغة من كتاب قواعد اللغة العربية، صفحة 13.

٢. عبد الرحمن حسن، البلاغة العربية أسسها وعلومها وفنونها، صفحة 33,.

٣. سورة الروم، آية:55

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٧. سورة الهمزة، آية:1

٨. سورة القيامة، آية:29

٩. سورة الصافات، آية:73

١٠. سورة الشعراء، آية:79

١١. "اسكرني باللفظ والمقلة"، الديوان، اطّلع عليه بتاريخ 14/10/2021.

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١٣. مصطفى الصاوي، البلاغة العربية، صفحة 56

Published On: 31-07-2022

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How to Cite

Argungu, D. I. A. (2022). The Rhetoric of Alliteration in the Arabic Language. Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 1(03), 164–169.