Sufi Elements as Reflected in Arab-American Diaspora Poetry: An Introductory Descriptive Study


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  • DR. MOHD ALAMGIR Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Arabic, Burdwan University, West Bengal, India


Arabic Diaspora Poetry, Sufi Elements, Diaspora Literature


This study titled 'Sufi Elements as Reflected in Arab-American Diaspora Poetry: An Introductory Descriptive Study,' explores the features of Sufism in Arabic diaspora poetry through exemplary analysis of selected poems by prominent immigrant poets who migrated to North and South America since the late 19th century. The study is divided into two sections: the first section examines the concept of Sufism and mysticism linguistically and terminologically, Sufi literature, the characteristics and dimensions of Sufism, the concept of immigration, and diaspora literature. Meanwhile, the second section, titled 'A Study of Sufi Elements in the Diaspora Poetry,' delves into Sufi elements according to the deductive-sequential approach. Among the Sufi elements explored in this study within immigrant poems are the pursuit of truth and existence, asceticism, seclusion, and alienation, Sufi renunciation, contemplation of existence and the universe, Sufi love: divine love, universal love, love of nature and the wilderness, the philosophy of transcendence and annihilation in the divine self, Sufi symbols. The study concludes with a summary and findings before presenting the bibliography and references relied upon in the research.


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Published On: 05-10-2023

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How to Cite

ALAMGIR, D. M. (2023). Sufi Elements as Reflected in Arab-American Diaspora Poetry: An Introductory Descriptive Study. Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 2(03), 16–30.