Scientific Research Anchors as an Approach to Reinforcement Entrepreneurship: An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of employees in a number of small projects in Nineveh Governorate


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  • Dr. Sultan Ahmed Khalif Al-Nofal Northern Technical University, Technical College of Management, Mosul, Iraq
  • Dr. Ahmed Suleiman Mohammed Al-Jarjari Northern Technical University, Technical College of Management, Mosul, Iraq
  • Dr. Nibal Younis Muhammad Al-Murad Northern Technical University, Technical College of Management, Mosul, Iraq


Anchors of scientific research, entrepreneurship, small projects, Nineveh Governorate


The study aimed to determine the role that scientific research can play in terms of its anchors represented by (keep up to developments, accommodating updates, intellectual vigilance, and accepting change) in the field of reinforcement entrepreneurship at the level of a number of small projects in Nineveh Governorate, within the framework of its launch from a major problem that states: Do anchors of scientific research practices a positive role in enhancing entrepreneurship of small projects researched ? The study was based on several main and sub-hypotheses that stipulated the existence of significant correlation and influence relationships between the independent variable, scientific research, in terms of its anchors, and the dependent variable, entrepreneurship in the researched projects. From (45) employees in those projects, the study reached several results, the most prominent of which is the existence of significant correlation and influence relationships between the two variables, and in a manner that led to presenting some necessary proposals for entrepreneurial in the researched small projects.


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Published On: 17-04-2024

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How to Cite

Al-Nofal, S. A. K., Al-Jarjari, A. S. M., & Al-Murad, D. N. Y. M. (2024). Scientific Research Anchors as an Approach to Reinforcement Entrepreneurship: An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of employees in a number of small projects in Nineveh Governorate. Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 3(01), 14–21.



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