The Contribution of Some Individual Scholars on Ilm Al-Tajwid in Hausaland and the Problems they Encountered


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  • Dr. Muhammad Kabiru Sabo Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Scholars، Ilm Al-Tajwid، Sokoto، Hausaland، problems


Reciting the Glorious Qur’an with Tajwid is the Sunnah of the Noble Prophet (S.A.W). The reason is what was reported regarding Ubay (Companion of the Noble Prophet S.A.W), when the messenger of Allah said to him Allah (S.W.T) commanded me to recite the Glorious Qur’an to you. The companion asked, did Allah mention me with my name. The Messenger of Allah said yes and recites the Qur’an to him with Tajwid.) Whoever wants to recite Qur’an, he should make sure that he prepares his voice and recite it with good recitation. You shouldn’t chew (the letters of the Qur’an) as cow chews grasses; rather, you should read it with its Arabic form. That is how it was reported from Umar (R.A). Therefore, the paper discusses contribution of scholars towards the development of Ilm Al-Tajwid in Hausaland and the problem they encountered. Also, the paper explores the recommendation, summary, and conclusion. Looking at the nature and scope of the paper analytical and interview were conducted in doing this research.


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منشور On: 01-11-2022

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كيفية الاقتباس

Sabo, D. M. K. (2022). The Contribution of Some Individual Scholars on Ilm Al-Tajwid in Hausaland and the Problems they Encountered. مجلة صابرين للدراسات العربية والإنجليزية, 1(04), 41–50.