Stylistic Feature of Aref Chahabi’s Lyric Poetry


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  • Sharafatullah Haqjo Ph.D. Student, Persian language and literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran
  • Esmaeil Tajbakhs Professor, Department of persian language and literarure, Allameh Tabatabyi University, Tehran


Language, word, literary, lyric poem


The current study aims to investigate the linguistic, rhetorical, and ideological aspects of Aref Chahabi's lyric poetry in order to determine its stylistic features. The goal is to pinpoint the most important tactics used to mould the style inside these levels. Aref has creatively used English sounds in the phonetic layer to create musical proportions that are relevant to poetry themes. Aref has also thoughtfully created a unified environment and area to effectively communicate the material through the repetition of vowels and consonants. The person has used a linguistic vocabulary in the lexicon layer, which is primarily made up of identical, frequently occurring terms that are objective in character. With the help of this lexicon's useful correlations with certain meanings and senses, a variety of events and places can be vividly portrayed. Aref's lyric poems hemistiches and verses exhibit a variety of syntactic forms. Generally speaking, the verb comes before other elements of the phrase. This feature of his lyric poetry can be recognized as an important grammatical feature. The poet uses a lot of verbs in the informative mode, which suggests that he is examining his ideas with determination and assertiveness. Sentences with a high percentage of active grammatical voice convey energy, vigour, and a proactive attitude towards being creative and productive in society.

The writer has utilized rhetorical devices such as figures of speech and metaphors to create striking poetic imagery, bolster the persuasiveness of their arguments, and elicit dramatic situations within their discourse. The author's lyric poems display a wealth of creative and metaphorical phrases that work to communicate the author's higher concepts and ideas, the visual attractiveness of their perspective, and the sophisticated quality of their imagination as they explore the world of meanings and experiences.


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Published On: 06-10-2023

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How to Cite

Haqjo , S., & Tajbakhs, E. (2023). Stylistic Feature of Aref Chahabi’s Lyric Poetry. Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 2(03), 36–47.