Similarity of the Arabic and Pashto Proverbs
Proverbs, poetry, literature, Arabic, Pashto, comparison, influence and interactionAbstract
This study elucidates the interpretation and importance of proverbs in Arabic and Pashto literature. This text delves into the etymology of proverbs, the magnitude of their impact, and the reciprocal relationship between the two languages. Moreover, it asserts that proverbs embody a universal intellectual product of mankind, not limited to a specific demographic. This book highlights the similarities and overlaps between proverbs in Arabic and Pashto literature. This study introduces innovative research in comparative studies, with a specific emphasis on comparing Arabic and Pashto in the field of comparative literature. Conduct a meticulous analysis of this field to guarantee accuracy and practicality. Researchers have discovered this topic through comparisons and collaborations. Literary works interconnect and mutually influence each other, exchanging ideas and inspiration to improve their various kinds of literature. These proverbs encompass a broad spectrum of human characteristics, including both favorable and unfavorable qualities. These proverbs, one may argue, encompass all aspects of human characteristics. Proverbs offer a precise representation of the lives of individuals and communities, containing the profound sagacity acquired over vast years of experience. Within her civilization, we find a collection of proverbs that represent a range of emotions and experiences, including suffering, misery, happiness, fury, and contentment. In many ways, these proverbs provide insights into society and its individuals' perspectives. Establishing a proverb is a deep and meaningful way to express and address the feelings and sentiments within one's inner being. These feelings arise from previous emotional experiences that have become deeply ingrained in the subconscious mind. Thus, an individual's behavior serves as a manifestation of the deep factors that give rise to the formulation of a proverb. People commonly acknowledge that the best way to have a fulfilling existence is to possess attributes such as strength, pride, courage, chivalry, knowledge, charity, honor, and dignity. Individuals that possess characteristics such as weakness, humiliation, stinginess, stupidity, and poor manners have a limited likelihood of survival. Therefore, we strive to develop and acquire desirable qualities while actively avoiding undesirable ones. This paper employs comparative analysis as its research methodology, showcasing diverse methods and types of comparisons. The goal of this study is to demonstrate the semantic resemblance between Arabic and Pashto proverbs, as well as to exploit and rejuvenate the linguistic correlation that exists between the two languages.
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Published On: 26-06-2024
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