The Phenomenon of Puns between Arabic and Tamil Languages-Linguistic Study
Pun, Arabic Language, Tamil LanguageAbstract
The pun is for the speaker to mention a singular word that has two meanings: one of them is close and not intended, and the meaning of the word is apparent, and the other is distant and intended, also the meaning of the word is hidden. Puns are one of the most wonderful rhetorical arts, and it is also the best means of humor and joking with the truth, and the best tool to get rid of what we fear. It is well known that Arabic and Tamil belong to different language families. As for the Arabic language, it is from the Semitic language family, and Tamil language which belongs to the Dravidian language family. Accordingly, each of these two languages has its own system for the use and construction of puns, and there are many similarities and distortions to the phenomenon of puns between the two mentioned languages. Therefore, this research focuses on studying the phenomenon of puns between Arabic and Tamil. It is worth mentioning here that the knowledge of the phenomenon of puns in the two languages leads to a correct translation and also helps to get rid of defects and linguistic errors in these two languages. One of the objectives of the research is to clarify the system of puns in the Arabic and Tamil languages, and to reveal the similarities and rivalries between the phenomenons of puns in these two languages. This research also relies on the descriptive, analytical and comparative method, relying on books, scientific theses, magazines and newspapers as secondary information. This research is based on an introduction, chapters, conclusion, and a list of sources and references the analysis of puns between the two languages.
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Published On: 17-07-2024
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