مجلد 1 عدد 01 (2022): Volume-01 Issue-01 ( January-March )
Research Article
Reception of Sufism in Arabic Literature
https://doi.org/10.55559/sjaes.v1i01.1 Abstract : 390 | PDF (English) : 168 | HTML (English) : 149 | EPUB (English) : 146 -
العولمة وأثرها على الإعلام العربي المعاصر Globalization and its impact on contemporary Arab media
https://doi.org/10.55559/sjaes.v1i01.3 Abstract : 573 | PDF (English) : 185 | HTML (English) : 5148 | EPUB (English) : 261 -
حياة الطيب صالح و ثقافته The life and culture of Tayeb Salih
https://doi.org/10.55559/sjaes.v1i01.4 Abstract : 1241 | PDF (English) : 178 | HTML (English) : 973 | EPUB (English) : 194 -
صراعُ الذَّاتِ الأنثويةِ في ديوان "أصداء من الألم " للشاعرة المغربية فاطمة الزَّهراء بن عدو Feminine Self-Confliction in Asdawun min Alalam Divan (Echoes of Pain) for the Algerian Poet Fatima Alzahraa bin ʿaddu
https://doi.org/10.55559/sjaes.v1i01.5 Abstract : 187 | PDF (English) : 98 | HTML (English) : 20 | EPUB (English) : 49 -
Reconciliation through Fiqh al-Aqalliyat: A Sri Lankan Perspective
https://doi.org/10.55559/sjaes.v1i01.6 Abstract : 518 | PDF (English) : 123 | HTML (English) : 22 | EPUB (English) : 47